Commercial Real Estate Workers Might be Owed Money!

Commercial Real Estate Workers Might be Owed Money!

If you worked in commercial real estate as a broker associate or salesperson in California during the last four years, your employer might owe you money.

Under California law, commercial real estate companies are required to pay their broker associates and salespersons overtime unless they are “exempt.” Many companies try to avoid paying overtime by improperly classifying their employees as exempt when they really are not. If you were misclassified as exempt, you might be able to recover up to four years of overtime pay, plus substantial penalties.

Some commercial real estate companies also require their broker associates and salespersons to pay their own business expenses, such as cellphone costs, mileage, and marketing expenses. This may be illegal under California law. If so, you could recover four years of expenses you paid in connection with your commercial real estate job.

For a free consultation to see whether you might have a legal claim, please call attorney Jim Clapp at 760-209-6565 extension 101, or email Jim at